In search for the best fighter ship in star citizen ? why spend money or time on the wrong ship ? continue reading to know more and have the answer you're looking for!

Star Citizen Best Fighter Ship

You are searching for the best fighter ship in star citizen ? you are exactly at the right place ! so let’s tackle this here and right now!

Within the myriad of fighter ships available in star citizen you’ve certainly come to ask yourself what should I pick ? what should I aim for ? what should I take as my main fighter ship ?

The best fighter ship should have good firepower so that it can outdps your opponents and crush them in a 1vs1 face-to-face battle, have good defense so that it can tank well while being targeted and being hit and have good maneuverability to keep that pip on target locked right ?

In our analysis about this matter, we've found that there is a hidden and obvious ace heavy fighter ship advertised by CIG and found showcased at several times now in the game's events around the year like the Invictus launch week or the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo IAE, and that ship is no more than the famous (for those that know it already) Anvil F8C Lightning, take a look at the data-mined stats :

Avionics & Systems Propulsion & Thrusters Thrusters Weaponry
Radars : 1x S1 Fuel intakes : 2x S1 Main thrusters : 3x SX Weapons : 2x S4 + 2x S3 + 2x S3
Computers : 1x S1 Fuel tanks : 2x S1 Maneuvering thrusters : 2x SX + 12x SX Turrets : 1x S5 = 2x S3
Power plants : 1x S2 Quantum drives : 1x S1 Missiles : 2x S3 = 4x S2
Coolers : 2x S1 Jump drives : 1x S1
Shield generators : 4x S1 Quantum fuel tanks : 1x S1

best fighter ship in star citizen

The ship is supposed to be unlocked for purchase in the persistent universe (Star Citizen) with a certain sort of achievement made in the Squadron42 game campaign which is why we advise and recommend to also buy Squadron42 along with Star Citizen (Star Citizen + Squadron42 combo pack) in the first place! especially when both games are at a discount compared to when they'll go live and be in a released state, you can't go wrong with this decision.

From the stats and also the few gameplay showcases we've seen (using a glitch in the past Invictus Launch Week event, you can find videos about it if you search in Youtube) on the Anvil F8C Lightning confirm as of now it's superior performances toward the light and medium targets, but knowing that Chris Roberts intends to make Star Citizen not having a one ship do it all or a one ship meta vs all the other, we just can't pick one ship and label it as the best one of them all however what we can do is pick one ship and label it as the best one in it's targeted size or purpose category.

and then you might think why haven't i mentioned the heavy combat or big targets! the reason is : the game will feature a thing called Physical Damage System which consists of basically taking into account the armor on ships and the size of the weapon needed in order to penetrate this armor we're talking about and what better match for this than the Crusader Ares Inferno or Ion to take on this task ! now let's take a look at the stats for those :

  • Crusader Ares Inferno : star citizen best heavy fighter ship
Avionics & Systems Propulsion & Thrusters Thrusters Weaponry
Radars : 1x S2 Fuel intakes : 2x S2 Main thrusters : 2x SX Weapons : 1x S7 (Ballistic Gatling)
Computers : 1x S2 Fuel tanks : 1x S2 Maneuvering thrusters : 2x SX + 14x SX Missiles : 4x S5 = 4x S3 + 4x S3
Power plants : 1x S2 Quantum drives : 1x S2 Battery : 1x S2 Armor : 1x S2 (Heavier than Ion)
Coolers : 2x S2 Jump drives : 1x S2 Counter Measures : 4x Flare/Chaff
Shield generators : 2x S2 Quantum fuel tanks : 1x S2
  • Crusader Ares Ion : star citizen crusader ares ion
Avionics & Systems Propulsion & Thrusters Thrusters Weaponry
Radars : 1x S2 Fuel intakes : 2x S2 Main thrusters : 2x SX Weapons : 1x S7 (Laser Cannon)
Computers : 1x S2 Fuel tanks : 1x S2 Maneuvering thrusters : 2x SX + 14x SX Missiles : 4x S5 = 4x S3 + 4x S3
Power plants : 2x S2 Quantum drives : 1x S2 Battery : 2x S2 Armor : 1x S2
Coolers : 3x S2 Jump drives : 1x S2 Counter Measures : 4x Flare/Chaff
Shield generators : 2x S2 Quantum fuel tanks : 1x S2

Definitely the right tool for the right job isn't it ? the S7 gun we have on it will make it a top performer toward big & capital targets but due to it's maneuverability it's obvious that light targets are not it's niche & medium targets too to a degree.

Well there you have it ! if you wanna tackle ships that are below medium size reserve yourself an Anvil F8C Lightning, if you wanna tackle ships above medium size take yourself a Crusader Ares Inferno or Ion or why not both!

[Article will be updated with time]